Fu, C., Qian, F., Su, Y., Su, K., Song, S., Niu, M., … & Ishiguro, H. (2024). Facial action units guided graph representation learning for multimodal depression detection. Neurocomputing, 129106.
Deng, Q., Fu, C., Ban, M., & Iio, T. (2024). A systematic review on robot-assisted language learning for adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1471370.
Changzeng Fu et al. HiMul-LGG: A hierarchical decision fusion-based local-global graph neural network for multimodal emotion recognition in conversation. Neural Networks, 106764. (IF 6.0)
Changzeng Fu et al. HAM-GNN: A hierarchical attention-based multi-dimensional edge graph neural network for dialogue act classification. Expert Systems with Applications, 125459. (IF 7.6)
Changzeng Fu et al. PointTransform Networks for automatic depression level prediction via facial keypoints, Knowledge-Based Systems 297, 111951 (IF 7.2)
Wang, Xinxiang, Yiming Yang, Zihan Li, Songyang Wang, Yibo Peng, and Changzeng Fu. “Enhancing emotional expression in cat-like robots: strategies for utilizing tail movements with human-like gazes.” Frontiers in Robotics and AI 11 (2024): 1399012. (IF 2.9)
Changzeng Fu et al. Image Encoding and Fusion of Multi-modal Data Enhance Depression Diagnosis in Parkinson’s Disease Patients, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (IF 9.6)
Changzeng Fu, Songyang Wang, Zihan Li, Ayush Gupta, Alexis Meneses, Hiroshi Ishiguro, and Yuichiro Yoshikawa. “Modulating Perceived Authority and Warmth of Mobile Social Robots through Bodily Openness and Vertical Movement in Gait.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2024).(IF 4.6)
Changzeng Fu, M Alexis, Y Yoshikawa, H Ishiguro, Enhancing the Mobile Humanoid Robot’s Emotional Expression with Affective Vertical-Oscillations, International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-18 (IF 3.8)
Changzeng Fu et al. Intelligent IoT Anklets for Monitoring the Assessment of Parkinson’s Diseases. IEEE Sensors Journal (IF 4.3)
Changzeng Fu et al. MobileSAM-Track: Lightweight One-Shot Tracking and Segmentation of Small Objects on Edge Devices. Remote Sensing 15 (24), 5665 (IF 5)
Changzeng Fu et al. Global joint information extraction convolution neural network for Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. Expert Systems with Applications 243, 122837 (IF 8.5)
Song, S., Luo, Y., Tumer, T., Changzegn Fu, Valstar, M., & Gunes, H. (2024). Loss relaxation strategy for noisy facial video-based automatic depression recognition. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 5(2), 1-24.
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “ An Improved CycleGAN-Based Emotional Voice Conversion Model by Augmenting Temporal Dependency with a Transformer”, Speech Communication. (IF 2.723)
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “ An Adversarial Auto-encoder Based Speech Emotion Classifier with Isolated Gaussian Regularization”, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. (IF 13.99)
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Takamasa Iio, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “Using an Android Robot to Improve Social Connectedness by Sharing Recent Experiences of Group Members in Human-Robot Conversations “, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters-2021. (IF 4.321)
Changzeng Fu, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Takamasa Iio, and Hiroshi Ishiguro. “Sharing Experiences to Help a Robot Present Its Mind and Sociability” International Journal of Social Robotics (2020): 1-12. (IF 3.802)
Changzeng Fu, Qi Deng, Jingcheng Shen, Hamed Mahzoon, and Hiroshi Ishiguro. “A Preliminary Study on Realizing Human–Robot Mental Comforting Dialogue via Sharing Experience Emotionally.” Sensors 22, no. 3 (2022): 991. (IF 3.847)
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “ Multi-modality Emotion Recognition Model with Multi-head Inter-modality Graph Attention”, Sensors-2020 (IF 3.847)
Fu, C., Chen, Z., Shi, J., Wu, B., Liu, C., Ishi, C. T., & Ishiguro, H. (2023, June). HAG: Hierarchical Attention with Graph Network for Dialogue Act Classification in Conversation. In ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Chen, Z., Fu, C., Wu, R., Wang, Y., Tang, X., & Liang, X. (2023, October). LGFat-RGCN: Faster Attention with Heterogeneous RGCN for Medical ICD Coding Generation. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (pp. 5428-5435).
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “C-CycleTransGAN: A Non-parallel Controllable Cross-gender Voice Conversion Model with CycleGAN and Transformer.” Proceedings of 2022 APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, 7-10 November 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “A Controllable Cross-gender Voice Conversion for Social Robot.” 2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2022) Workshops and Demos. (Best Workshop Paper)
Yu, Chuang, Changzeng Fu, Rui Chen, Adriana Tapus, “First Attempt of Gender-free Speech Style Transfer for Genderless Robot.” Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 2022. (Best LBR Award 2nd Prize)
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “ MAEC: Multi-instance Learning with and Adversarial Auto-encoder-based Classifier for Speech Emotion Recognition”, ICASSP 2021.
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Takamasa Iio, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “ Using an Android Robot to Improve Social Connectedness by Sharing Recent Experiences of Group Members in Human-Robot Conversations “, IROS 2021.
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro, “ An End-to-End Multitask Learning Model to Improve Speech Emotion Recognition”. The 28th European Signal Processing Conference.
Changzeng Fu, Jiaqi Shi, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro “AAEC:An Adversarial Autoencoder-based Classifier for Audio Emotion Recognition”. Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Real-life Media Challenge, ACM MultiMedia 2020.
Changzeng Fu, Thilina Dissanayake, Kazufumi Hosoda, Takuya Maekawa, and Hiroshi Ishiguro. “Similarity of Speech Emotion in Different Languages Revealed by a Neural Network with Attention.” In 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), pp. 381-386. IEEE, 2020.
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Ishi, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, and Hiroshi Ishiguro. “SeMemNN: A Semantic Matrix-Based Memory Neural Network for Text Classification.” In 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), pp. 123-127. IEEE, 2020.
Jingcheng Shen, Changzeng Fu, Xiangtian Deng, and Fumihiko Ino. “A Study on Training Story Generation Models Based on Event Representations” In 2020 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD), IEEE, 2020.
Li, Xinyue, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Changzeng Fu, and Ryoko Hayashi. “Prosodic and Voice Quality Analyses of Filled Pauses in Japanese Spontaneous Conversation by Chinese learners and Japanese Native Speakers.” Proc. Speech Prosody 2022 (2022): 550-554.
Li, Yuanchao, Koji Inoue, Leimin Tian, Changzeng Fu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Tatsuya Kawahara, and Catherine Lai. “I Know Your Feelings Before You Do: Predicting Future Affective Reactions in Human-Computer Dialogue.” In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1-7. 2023. (EI)
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, and Hiroshi Ishiguro. “CycleTransGAN-EVC: A CycleGAN-based Emotional Voice Conversion Model with Transformer.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.15159 (2021).
Changzeng Fu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, & Hiroshi Ishiguro. (2021). JPS-daprinfo: A Dataset for Japanese Dialog Act Analysis and People-related Information Detection (Version v1.0) [Dataset].
2024- National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62306068) – Leader
2024- Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. F2024501002) – Leader
2018-2022 Humanware Innovation Program research support grant (専門分野研究活動支援金) – Leader
2020-2021 Humanware Innovation Program interdisciplinary research support grant(融合分野研究活動支援金)– Member
2021-2022 Humanware Innovation Program interdisciplinary research support grant(融合分野研究活動支援金)– Leader
Changzeng Fu; Chaoran Liu; Carlos Toshinori Ishi ; 基于图注意力机制的多模态情感分析模型, 2022-7-26, 日本, JP.2022072619.A
Changzeng Fu; Chaoran Liu; Carlos Toshinori Ishi ; 基于对抗编码器的情感数据增强训练方法集分类器, 2022-5-30, 日本, JP.202280435.A
Changzeng Fu; Chaoran Liu; Carlos Toshinori Ishi ; 基于隐层表征隔离高斯化的情感分类器,2022-10-6, 日本, JP.2022147397.A
Changzeng Fu; 一种基于多层级图注意力机制的对话行为识别方法, 中国,202310604666.7
Changzeng Fu; 具备情感交互能力的社交机器人及系统, 中国, 2002310755637.0
2021-2022 大阪大学国際共創大学院 独創的教育研究活動賞