Changzeng Fu (Chason)



首先感谢你对HACI小组的关注。我们欢迎计算机、电子、心理学、教育学等不同领域的本科生、硕士、博士合作伙伴。 我们会尽力打造一个融洽、互助、充满新鲜感的学习科研环境。如果你有类似的兴趣,请认真看至末尾(有预习作业哦)。

First of all, thank you for your interest in the HACI team. We welcome undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral partners from various fields such as computer science, electronics, psychology, and education. We will do our best to create a harmonious, supportive, and exciting learning and research environment. If you share a similar interest, please read carefully until the end (there is pre-work to be done).

Research Interests


We mainly focus on emotion+ research topics through the utilization of deep learning methods. Our research architecture is depicted in the figure above.

Different from traditional research methods, we combine cognitive science, psychology, robotics and artificial intelligence related technologies to explore from theoretical level to practical application level. In particular, we focuses on the use of deep learning models to assess multi-modal data, such as speech information, visual information, text information, for the purpose of analyzing human emotions, comprehending behavior, and generating affective expression. Additionally, by taking psychology and cognitive science into account, we also attempt to optimize the interaction strategy.

The Gole

The human-agent symbiotic society is coming! We can expect to see more emotionally intelligent agents that can interact with humans in a more natural and empathetic way. These agents will be able to interpret and respond to human emotions, making them more useful in a variety of contexts, such as healthcare, education, and rapport building. As for the gole, we are going to:

Improve Human-Computer Interaction:

Affective computing can improve the interaction between humans and machines by making the experience more natural and intuitive. Emotionally intelligent machines can detect and respond to a user’s emotional state, making the interaction more personalized and engaging.

Enhance Mental Health:

Affective computing can help healthcare professionals to monitor the emotional state of patients and develop personalized treatment plans. It can also help individuals with mental health disorders to manage their condition by providing real-time feedback and support.

Preworks to Whom Wants to Join HACI

Prework 1:

Go through my publication list and choose some paper to read that interests you. Please conduct a survey on the topics of affective computing, human-robot interaction (or human-agent interaction), and cognitive science, so as to have some basic knowledge.

Prework 2:

Imagine a scenario of a future society where human-machine symbiosis is prevalent, and propose a technology application related to emotions.

Prework 3:

Please specify the technologies required to realize the scenario you proposed.


If you have reached here, then you are most likely someone who shares our interests. Please summarize Prework 2 and 3 into a 500-word essay and submit it to me. I will share with you the relevant learning materials and start the research activity!



The process of exploration is always full of difficulties. We encourage our colleagues to be proactive, face challenges, and enjoy the moment when they overcome difficulties. The excitement and joy that adrenaline brings will be an amazing experience.


PhD student

Shihab Baten Md
@ Osaka University

Ayush Gupta
@ Osaka University

Master student

Yikai Su
@ Northeastern University

Kaifeng Su
@ Northeastern University

Fengkui Qian
@ Northeastern University

Undergraduate student

Huizu Lin

Yaohang Li

Zihan Li

Yibo Peng

Xiniang Wang

Yiming Yang

Songyang Wang

Ruiding Huang

Qi Zhang

Yixuan Zhang

Ziheng Li

Jiacheng Dong

Zelin Fu

Research Partner

@Osaka University